Alternatives to Flaring Gas are Available Now!
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Environmental Concerns Over Flaring Is A Serious Issue.
Gas Flaring Solutions (GFS) provides Modular Matrix CHP Cogeneration Systems that are placed at the wellhead on flared, stranded, shut-in, or capped wells to convert the wasted resource into electricity at a much lower cost than traditional methods.
The power can be used to power the site and/or is uploaded directly into reliable primary transmission lines and sold under long-term Power Purchase Agreements to
utility companies, rural electric cooperatives, and end-users such as greenhouses and Cryptocurrency data mining.
GFS is concentrating on power generation for Cryptocurrency data mining.
GFS has solutions for the communities, the O&G Industry, creating high-paying jobs, reducing global warming and greenhouses gases.
Gas Flaring Solutions mission is to provide innovative solutions for flared and stranded gas that converts a wasted natural resource into clean energy. Provide demineralized or purified clean drinking water and heat anywhere in the world while protecting the environment.
We're Doing Our Part For A Cleaner More Sustainable Planet.

Flare Gas Powered Crypto Mining
Video: Immersion Miner Data Container

Convert flare or stranded gas into power.
FREE power on-site, net metering, and crypto mining
We take care of every aspect of the project.
Free power for field operations.
Eliminate the expense and pollution of diesel.
Address governmental and environmental issues.
Turn well losses into a Profit Center
Free project analysis
BiXBiT Immersion Mining
BITMAIN Technologies
Global Power Supply
Big Star Mining
Flaring of natural gas around the world is harming the environment and wasting a precious source of energy, instead could be used in productive ways like providing millions of people with electricity.
A new, global initiative aims to end routine gas flaring by 2030.
Gas Flaring Solutions Is Part of That Initiative
One of our solution experts will contact you shortly.


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